Know Your Difference

Client List

Consumer Packaged Goods

  • Amooza Twists, Kraft Foods, Brand Creation

  • Cracker Barrel, Kraft Foods, Brand Strategy

  • Christe, Kraft Foods, Brand Strategy

  • Nestea, Coca Cola Beverages, Brand Insights, workshop facilitation

  • Allegra, Hoechst Pharmaceuticals, Brand Creation

  • Mother Parkers Teas, Brand Positioning Strategy

  • Holeys Shoe Company, Branding Workshop Facilitation

  • Jackson Triggs, Constellation Wines, Branding Workshop Facilitation

  • Sumac Ridge, Constellation Wines, Branding Workshop Facilitation and brand repositioning

  • Open, Constellation Wines, Brand Creation

Real Estate

  • Aquilini Investment Group, Business Insights and Rebrand, branding workshop facilitation

  • BFC Construction & Engineering, Naming and Rebrand

  • Canyon Ranch, Business Insights

  • Intrawest Group, Playground, Brand Repositioning

  • Setai Hotels, Costa Rica, Brand Strategy and Innovation


  • Elements Health and Wellness, Retail Brand Launch

  • Letieri Espresso Bar and Cafe, Rebranding

  • St. Andrew Foods, Retail Brand Launch

  • Sanctuary Day Spas, Brand Insights and team workshop

  • Warehouse One Jean Company, Brand Insights


  • Canada Life, Brand Design

  • GE Insurance Solutions, Brand Design

  • Manulife Financial, Marketing Materials

  • OMERS Capital Partners, Brand Insights and Repositioning

  • Ontario Pension Board, Brand Insights and Repositioning

Creative Agencies

Health & Wellbeing

  • Feinberg Consulting, Addiction & Mental Health, branding, marketing, connecting, and content

  • Dr. Terrie Hope, Scientist, Thought Leader, messaging, branding, marketing, content, connecting
  • Elements Health and Wellness Retail brand launch


  • Alcan International

  • Livingston International, Brand Management

  • Octave Bioscience, Brand Strategy Workshop Facilitation

  • Woodtone Building Materials, Sales Team Interviews

  • St. Joseph Communications, Brand Architecture

  • MDS Life Sciences, Brand Architecture

There’s more but you get the idea…

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